Sunday, February 28, 2010

Ls-magasine Fingering

On Ochheuteal beach - the guest house''''

Once there is a large lake in the middle have been in Phnom Penh. From the lake is almost nothing left and that has no natural causes. The entire lake was sold to an investor from Korea, which simply fills the lake with sand. You can see the former bank significantly. From my Point of view is hardly more than 50 meters See left. It is a shame, but a lot of money changed hands - I heard $ 1 billion. Cambodia is a poor country and the politicians are not just rich.

Phonm Penh

Phonm Penh

the night in the guesthouse "Number 9" was not exactly great. If one were to describe the space as a simple bed and breakfast, that would be excessive. There was no more than a wooden hut, incredibly hot, full of mosquitoes and how I later found other or with an animal.

I could not sleep well because of the heat. Although I used my mosquito net, were these things but somehow. Outside, a few English Suffköpfe organized a party. At 5:50 something went over my foot. Now it was too much, I got up. Outside it was at this time of refreshing cool. I had no shower, but for a mouse. Great room. Or what is it a rat? The thing was a rat is a bit small, but people are so in Cambodia a bit smaller. I packed my stuff

and woke up waiting until the employee. Sleeping on comfortable chairs in the restaurant. I checked out and went to the bus station.

Finally I had time lucky. There were 5 minutes later a bus to Sihanoukville. The first four hours on the bus slept ich tief.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Height To Hang Draperies

Number 9 Phnom Penh - Kompong Thom extreme heat

Ich wachte früh auf, was ich eigentlich nicht wollte. Irgendein Typ im Guesthouse hörte am frühen Morgen laute Techno-Musik. Ich ging aus dem Zimmer und war wütend. Der Typ konnte vermutlich meine Gedanken lesen und entschuldigte sich umgehend. Aber da war es schon zu spät. Ich ging in das Gasthaus “Number 9” nebenan und nahm dort ein Zimmer.

Guesthouse Number 9 war ja die Unterkunft die ich ursprünglich wollte. Auf dem Papier war im Number 9 alles ob. Aber leider gab es weder ein Moskito-Netz noch eine Dusche. Ich war nun nicht mehr so glücklich. Aber es war zu spät.

Ich wollte mir heute die Sehenswürdigkeiten von Phnom Penh anschauen. At 9 clock in the morning it was so hot that I hardly move anymore. Normally I love heat. But 38 degrees and not even the slightest breeze - that's too much even for me.

The whole day I was hanging around, without me moving a lot. I paged through the guide and after reading what you all can look in Phnom Penh Sun 90% of the sites described interested me less

There is probably in Phnom Penh much to see. The museum sounded interesting, and certainly the "Killing Fields". But I had to see it? The French Quarter of Phnom Penh with the colonial buildings and two markets sounded a visit for me at. The royal palace, some temples, elephants and a shooting range where you can shoot with a Bazuka a cow (which I really wanted to see) appealed to me. Also young, rich kids who would hold road race, I looked at love to do. If it's only a few degrees would be cool!

Phonm Penh

Phonm Penh

Friday, February 26, 2010

Comment Jouer A Port Royale 2 En Multijoueur

About the''Drunken Frog''in Phnom Phen

It was now time to Siem Reap to leave. For one reason, to which I can remember more, I wanted to go to Kompong Thom. Kompong Thom is half way to Phnom Phen, which is the capital of Cambodia. I could not buy a ticket to Kompong Thom. I have the full fare to pay in capital. Can not be helped.

met on the bus I turn to the brilliant guy who showed me the great guesthouse in Siem Reap. We both independently decided that we now have enough of Siem Reap. He went to Phnom Phen. He asked me what I wanted in the Kompong Thom. I said that it should be as near a temple. He probably thought that I'm stupid. He answered and like, "Whatever makes you happy."

I had doubts, and these enhanced now. When we arrived in Kompong Thom and I saw the city, the decision was clear. Kompong Thom looked like a rubbish dump. I stayed on the bus and we drove on.

After 5 hours we arrived in Phnom Phen. At first glance I was impressed not Phnom Penh. The German did again a good place and I went with him. So far I had no idea how Phnom Phen. He is in Phom Phen no river but a lake in the center. Along the shore there are some cool and cheap guesthouses.

Phonm Penh

Phonm Penh

The guest house "Number 9", we wanted to go in was full. So we went to the board "Drunken Frog" next door. It is virtually built into the lake. We went on wobbly boards, but everything was ok.

The rooms at the "Drunken Frog" was easy, but for a night in order. The staff of Drunken Frog "were just a little greedy. First they wanted to sell grass, which we refused. Then they wanted to make us drunk. I declined again. Last meal, we should at least there. We both decided the next day another guest house to search.

Phnom Phen is quite interesting. It's totally different than I had expected. The guest house was at the end of a dark street, as one knows from horror movies. The whole area looked a bit dodgy. I felt a bit like a tourist in New York, who has landed some reason in Harlem. But, unless you're a virgin with a bucket of gold in his hand here at night rumlauft, It is not that bad.

The streets were narrow and winding. What is the main street is called elsewhere, here is maybe 2 feet wide. I liked this We went from just a little something to eat. As I said, Phnom Penh was very different than I thought. I liked it.

information on Guatemala: Guatemala eiseführer R / arrival Guatemala / food in Guatemala / temperature Guatemala / Guatemala visa / history Guatemala / Guatemala bus / animals Guatemala

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Electric Box Iphone Walkthrough Level 31

Banteay Srei and Kbal Spean

Since I liked the two days in Angkor Wat good, decided I now look at the other Sehswürdikeiten in the area. In particular, I wanted to go to Banteay Srei. My driver picked me up at 9 clock in the morning from my accommodation in Siem Reap. 50 km with the tuk-tuk are wide. The heat was, despite the early time, already brutal. The trip took much longer than an hour. We drove through rural areas in Cambodia - poor villages with few houses made of stone.

Cambodia is in some ways a strange land. It is a very poor country. But there are schools everywhere, and, as the Red Cross says a good health system. Along the road I saw many houses, but no real houses. No one looks as if he would starve. After our standards, Cambodia is probably poor, but you get the feeling that it is not the man is so bad. The people give the impression that they are happy, maybe even happy.

It's a surprise when suddenly in the middle of a poor neighborhood is a huge visitor center. You must pay for parking here even. At least 20 buses were already there. Where are all the well?

I went out and had almost a shock. The visitor center was really nice. The carvings and works of art are better than the ones I've seen in the temple of Angkor Wat.

Banteay Srei is quite small. Nevertheless, crowds of tourists here. In a large system such as Angkor Wat hardly notice it. But here annoy many people. Legions of mostly Asian tourists are being chased through Banteay Srei. It looks like all have one thing in mind: You want as many photos of himself with the sights in the background. It is hard to describe how annoying it is.

Banteay Srey

Banteay Srey

Banteay Srei

Banteay Srei

I soon tired and had more left. Banteay Srei is probably very interesting, but you have to come in the late afternoon when the Asian visitors are gone. But unfortunately not fit into my schedule. As

I went back to the Tuk Tuk was my driver away. I looked for him for a while. Then I gave up and just waited. Eventually, he came and showed me the photos he has made. Since I had encouraged him to take pictures, I could not complain now.

Our next destination was Kbal Spean. We arrived shortly after noon. It was very hot. The real interest in Kbal Spean are some carvings in a river bed. You have to go to Kbal Spean about 1500 meters on foot. That does not sound after such a lot, but it is uphill. I did not know before.

the beginning of the road to Kbal Spean is simple. After that, the way bad and getting steeper. I looked forward to the refreshed Waterfall. Without that prospect, I would have declined. I fantasized of the river with the cool water. The heat was murderous. The road, however, was interesting. The higher I got, the better was the view over the canopy of the jungle. The many tourists on the way bothered me, however.

information about the capital of Cambodia
and other capitals in the region as the capital of Thailand ,
the capital of Laos
and the capital of Vietnam

Kbal Spean is nothing spectacular. It is really just a creek. The carvings are rubbish, but it is waiting for a cool, refreshing waterfall. With luck, you have to do not share with too many tourists.

Kbal Spean

Kbal Spean

The return journey was very long. We stopped at another place of interest. Not special. I was ready. I spent more than enough time in Siem Reap. It is time to discover the real Cambodia!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Quotations For Pagan Wedding

Angkor Wat - Day 2: Phrea Khan, Neak Pean, Ta Som, Pre rap and other

When I woke up in the morning, the sky was blue stahlend. The temperature was as high as in the days before. The humidity was much lower. Thus, the heat was less intense.

I felt much better and the first time in three days I was well on it. After a quick Frühstück, machte ich mich für eine extreme Tempeltour fertig. Ich bestellte über das Gästehaus den selben Tuk-Tuk-Fahrer wie am Tag zuvor. Ich war mit dem Typ recht zufrieden.
10 Minuten später war ich abfahrbereit.

Der erste Halt des Tages war am Osttor der Bayon Tempelanlage. Am Vortag war ich dort schon am Nachmittag. Da aber nun die Sonne schien, war der Unterschied groß. Die Photos, die ich heute machte, habe ich auch für dem Beitrag von gestern verwendet. Das Tor ist wirklich spektakulär.

Der nächste Stopp war in Phrea Khan. Es ist die alte Universität. Phrea Khan ist sehr  interessant: An vielen Stellen ein Labyrinth - eng und verwinkelt. Die Kunstobjekte sind pretty impressive. Ruin the whole look just great. Phrea Kan is probably not as photogenic as Ta Prohm, but it has that certain something. Without doubt, started the day well.

Phrea Khan

Phrea Khan, the old university

We drove to Neak Pean. Neak Pean is a bit unusual. It's pretty small. There is no temple, but a cemetery. It is reminiscent of a large fountain. The center is the pelvis with small towers. On one side is an interesting horse statue. In Neak Pean, there are probably mainly ritual washing. Neak Pean is ok, but nothing really special. It is calm. A small wind breeze would be nice been. It was getting unbearably hot.

Neak Pean

Neak Pean

Next we drove to a place to which I am particularly pleased: Ta Som. The temple is about a smaller version of Bayon. What they say at least. Ta Som is very picturesque. I like the colors and frescoes of Ta Som. It is a place of silence and the aura of a sacred place was obtained.

Ta Som

Ta Som

Fresko Ta Som

fresco in Ta Som

Next stop was East Mebon. The place is guarded at each corner of an elephant statue. I liked this temple the East Mebon is not necessarily a beauty.

Ost Mebon

East Mebon

My last stop of the day was pre rap. I was not quite clear what would happen here. It was a positive surprise. Pre rap is huge and threatening. From the top you have a great view. Pre rap is probably no beauty in the classical sense. I think in all these holes in the wall once was a fresco. At some points in Pre rap, one can see that it had once been a magnificent place.

Pre Rap

Pre Rap

As the weather was very good today, I decided again to look at Angkor. I wanted to find out whether I was disappointed the day before just because of the high expectations Sun It had to be a reason why Angkor is famous. I wanted to at least take some good photos. In fact, in sunlight it all looked a bit better. Angkor I liked but again not so special, which I am not very surprised, of course.

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat

Angkor Wat von der anderen Seite des Flusses

Angkor Wat from the other side of the river

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

South Park Free Mobil Streaming

Angkor Wat - Day 1: Prices, Angkor, Bayon, Ta Keo and Ta Prohm

Another night with fever in Siem Reap. The weather was not good. I did not care. It was time to do something. Would take such a tuk-tuk to Angkor Wat.

We stopped for the first time at the ticket office. Someone had told me that it would be cheaper in the national currency of Cambodia, Riel to pay. After buying the ticket to Angkor Wat after I counted and came to the conclusion that it would have been cheaper in dollars. The stupid tour guide on the Thai border had told us nothing but junk. What did she like when she tells people things like that?

It was too late. I had bought a three-day ticket to Angkor Wat for $ 40. This is in a country where there are notes for 0.3 cents, not just a little money. Translated into Cambodian Riel It was even more.

from the ticket sales it is not far to the temples. I could already see from here that many temples were being renovated. I'm not happy. Angkor Wat has a great reputation. It is one of the great modern wonders of the world. had hoped Well, Angkor Wat was at first not quite as impressive as I do.

Angkor Wat is huge, which is beyond question. But is impressive? I mean, not necessarily. In photos it looks even better than in reality. I went inside. My feeling was reinforced even more. Angkor Wat is probably the most disappointing, that was on my list of things that I wanted to see before I die. Angkor Wat is hereby removed from this list - and not only because I have seen it.

Angkor Wat is not even ugly. I can imagine that maybe it was an impressive place. It should be a sacred place. I could not feel it. Angkor Wat felt dead.

Angkor Wat
I know I look pretty thick in the photo. But it is the only thing I could point out in this picture.

We stopped at the Bayon . It is the second most popular temple in the Angkor universe. It started promising. You drive across a narrow bridge and through a narrow, natural gate, which just wide enough for one car.

Bayon is famous for its towers, which consist of four faces. There are many of these things, but you can not see the faces. Actually I should say a lot more crass: A heap of rubble was my first thought.


now I had seen the two main attractions. Until now, Angkor Wat was one disappointment. From Bayon I walked on to two other temples. This impressed me even more little. I was so angry that I had almost overlooked the elephant terrace. That was pretty cool.

My tuk-tuk driver looked at me and remarked I was not happy. We continued and things got much better. The not so impressive on paper, Ta Keo I liked. I think at least that it means: The card is the next logical place to Baphuon.

It was a tall, pyramid-shaped temple with an incredibly narrow and steep stairs. A Japanese man, whom I met here, got scared after four stages and was looking for an easier ascent. A samurai with vertigo. Funny.

Japaner mit Höhenangst
Japanese are afraid of heights

I went up and suddenly felt good. This temple was not pretty. But he has retained something else: a soul. This is much more important than the look. In the center was a small shrine, which was guarded by a small boy. He was very funny and gave me a brief explanation on how Buddha proves honor. These are the things that I expect in Angkor Wat had.

It was even better. The next stop was Ta Prohm. Here I had the first time the feeling that I get to see for my money was. In Ta Prohm changed my attitude to Angkor Wat. Here, I realized that I will use my 3-day pass completely.
Ta Prohm
Ta Prohm, a beauty

Ta Prohm is so beautiful that you can never describe it. Instead of clearing the jungle, they have in here are simply left. Even in the temple grow magnificent trees. They grow on walls and buildings. Despite all the tourists, the place was quiet. I loved to be here. Even the sun shone for the first time (for about 30 seconds) and in the soft morning light everything looked much more beautiful.

Das östliche Tor von Bayon (Angkor Wat)
The eastern gate of Bayon
Affe in Angkor Wat
A monkey in Angkor Wat

Monday, February 22, 2010

How Can I Dresses Up Like Einstein?

hospital in Siem Reap (Cambodia )

In the last article I said that I finally realize that I was a little sick. By 22 clock I went with fever, chills and shit outbreaks to bed. I also had pain. Es war also keine tolle Nacht. Ich konnte kaum schlafen. Als die Sonne aufging war ich völlig kaputt. Die Schmerzen hatte sich ausgebreitet und waren quälend.

Ich würde Euch lieber von etwas Cooleren wie ein Verletzung, einem Spinnenbiss oder sogar einer Lebensmittelvergiftung berichten. Aber ich hatte eben etwas uncooles und nichts heldenhaftes. Es sah nach einer Ohreninfektion aus. Das hört sich nicht so schlimm an, aber die Schmerzen sind enorm.

Ich ging in der Hoffung auf ein Wundermittel in eine der Apotheken von Siem Reap . Ich bekam Ohrentropfen, die nicht viel halfen. Etwas später nahm ich noch Schmerztabletten. Nicht sehr männlich, aber was soll ich machen?

Am Nachmittag fand I am an Austrian doctor. They advised me to consult a doctor. As the pain was no better, I took the advice to the end. The doctor will send me to an ear, nose and throat doctor.

Rush Hour Hauptverkehrszeit
rush hour in Siem Reap

The specialist spoke very little English and took $ 15 to the middle ear infection to look at. The reception of medical practice was a bit run down, but saw the devices from a surprisingly modern. It took another 30 dollars for an inner ear cleaning. The thing was very painful.

last he came to the subject that interested me most: drugs. He gave me antibiotics, pain killers, Inflammatory drugs and other tropical ears. To $ 80 poorer, I went home and took the medication.

Because of the pain I could barely chew. After a light dinner, I went straight to bed. I had caught a lucky day: I had the TV to choose between wrestling and Jurassic Park, I rarely watch wrestling on TV. After a short time, I knew again why.

way, I made a little walk in the afternoon. I came to the conclusion that not Siem Reap is really beautiful. The river makes Siem Reap something worth seeing, but somehow does not fit this together.

Siem Reap Fluss
The river in Siem Reap

As the river meanders not, but more of a lake, it's really stupid to build a town here. There are more mosquitoes than in Siem Reap, the jungles of central Africa during the rainy season. The lake is the perfect breeding ground.

about Cambodia: residents Cambodia visa Cambodia buses Cambodia security Cambodia K reditkarten Cambodia Islands Cambodia

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monicarocaforte Peliculas Online

by bus from Ko Chang in Thailand to Siem Reap in Cambodia to Ko Chang Bungalows

I decided on Ko Chang in Thailand to Siem Reap continue on in Cambodia. I booked a room in a minibus, at least I thought this went there on that day two buses: clock at 7 and 9:15. Your can you think of what I decided.

the morning there was already the first surprise: The driver arrived promptly at 9:15. I had to leave my breakfast on my nerves a bit. But it's not his fault. I thought the driver has at least half an hour late and had breakfast correspondingly late.

I was the first person in the minibus. This explained why he came so early. We picked up a few other people and drove to the ferry port. We got stuck and had to wait 45 minutes on the next ferry.

ferry to Ko Chang

Once We were down from the ferry, the driver told us that we were moving the vehicle. The new bus was only slightly larger. I was sitting comfortably, what is most important.

The driver was a young Thai. He had a lot to say obviously. The next 3-4 hours he telephoned almost continuously with the phone. For Thai conditions, he almost drove carefully. The trip was rather boring.

Finally we arrived at the Cambodian border. It was a small dusty village. We were asked to unload our luggage. A young woman distributed forms. Almost none had a visa. We filled out and paid for Visa for Cambodia . It looked like everything was normal as it should be out later it was a waste of time and a rip-off. Somehow, we suspected that already, but it was still surprising. Two Americans did not pay the 1300 Thai baht and went off alone. Almost all the others stayed.

We sat around for two hours and nothing happened. The woman had not exactly in a hurry. Although no one thought of us that the journey would take given 6 hours. But now I was afraid to come in the middle of the night.

were finally told that we should take our luggage and we walk towards the border should open. The Thai side, as always, everything was efficient. The Thai exit stamp get only took a few minutes. Then we went over the bridge to Cambodia.

The woman asked to make another 200 baht. I told her that she can take time. She pointed out that the bus would not wait because it was late. We simply said "No" and stood back of the queue. It took about half an hour and it was almost 5 clock in the afternoon.

drove to the border us another driver to the bus station. At least we could now change some money. The woman told us, though, that no one could replace in Cambodia from Thailand bahts. I did not believe her and exchanged my bahts without problems.

In the bus we met again, the Americans, who were even begun. Even the people who have booked the 7 clock minibus were in the same bus . Luckily I had not taken!

The Americans told us that they are much less than we paid for the visa (700 instead of 1300 baht). All travel to Cambodia is one racket. A

Koreans, two Swiss and I refused to pay another bribe. We took the bus place and got the first taste of driving in Cambodia.

In Cambodia, in contrast to Thailand right traffic. One hardly noticed this. The bus driver drove steadily in the middle of the street or in the left lane. He remained there even with oncoming traffic, except for trucks. As our previous driver, he phoned all the time. In addition, he honked and flashed almost without interruption, and of course, also drew the bus. Not bad for someone who has only two hands.

was said and the bus ride takes four hours (better take a taxi.). We had already made a total of 10 hours on the road as we take a break of 45 minutes.

At last we arrived in Siem Reap. The bus station was a dark, dusty place far outside the city Siem Reap . We went to the tuk tuks. The drivers we really wanted to go to a certain property (the Downtown Hostel, which is located in a seedy district of Siem Reap). Finally, I shared with a German, a tuk tuk, which was far better informed than I am. He had a choice near the pub street. The accommodation wat super. In my guide was the area of Siem Reap before did not work properly. I was impressed by the book less and less.

My first impression of Cambodia was mixed. Reminded me of Cambodia Laos, which is not necessarily a good thing. The people seemed quite friendly and spoke quite good English. The problem was, as in Laos, I krank wurde. Es ist wie verhext: Immer wenn ich Thailand auf dem Landweg verlasse, werde ich krank. Mal schauen wie es weitergeht.


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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Milena Velba Boobs Tied

Porn (Thailand)

Ich hatte die Insel Ko Chang von Anfang an falsch eingeschätzt. Ich dachte, Ko Chang ist einer dieser coolen Orte, wo man sich ein paar Tage erholen kann und dann einfach weiterfährt. Das ist falsch! Ko Chang lässt einen nicht mehr los. Unbewusst bin ich in die Falle getreten. Mein Tipp lautet daher: Geht Under no circumstances Porn Bungalows on Koh Chang, if you still want to see what other people of Thailand. Go to Ko Chang in the end!

I took a walk. Porn is outside of the island is not so special. It reminds me a little of Ko Lanta. Soon it will be here on tourist development and the wrong people will come to Ko Chang. It will be terrible. But as long as Porn Bungalows does not change, it remains a paradise.
Chang auf Ko Chang
Chang Ko Chang

I'm here for 3 days and everyone greets me already like an old friend. I am treated as someone who is here for years. I like this are the people pretty much as expected very relaxed. The locals are chaotic and useless, but that does not matter. Everything fits perfectly - starting with bamboo huts and ending with the awesome music. Music is very important for a site. If you meet the tastes of the guests who feel right at home.

We were on a terrace on the beach when a group of tourists arrived. Types one would expect to be applied in concrete block hotels. It was ridiculous in many ways tourists. First, they compared the restaurant with some Italian restaurant in Pattaya. About the way they said it, we laughed ourselves half dead

The rest of the time we hung around. We were lying on cushions and exchanged Thoughts. Eventually, a guitar appeared out of nowhere, and another one of those hot nights began. Nights in which it is hoped that they never end. At about 2 clock we were mostly from the strong beer Chang tired and went to bed.

the way it is said that the name of the island of Ko Chang is from the elephant and not a beer. Too bad, I liked the idea.
beach hut in Porns
hut in Porn Bungalows on the beach